There are many off the shelf solutions available in the market which can be easily set up to give you a quick start for your online consulting platform however all these solutions are pretty expansive. One can not sustain in the longer run with that kind of expenses in these third party services.
Our client wanted us to develop a customised webRTC based video chat service which should be complete based on opensource technologies.
Our client wanted us to develop a customised webRTC based video chat service which should be complete based on opensource technologies.

Our tech stack to implement this video chat platform was nodejs, webRTC and socket.io
While we faced many challenges initially in terms of controlling the overall experience as well as the quality of video and audio. We were able to solve all those issues and finally we had a solid solution with great video/audio quality and on top of that we did many customization in the screens.
We could do so many customization as we had full control of all those codes.
We had used an AWS EC2 instance as our backend server and our frontend was in Angular.
This was a complete video chat solution with the ability to share files and text chat feature alongside.
While we faced many challenges initially in terms of controlling the overall experience as well as the quality of video and audio. We were able to solve all those issues and finally we had a solid solution with great video/audio quality and on top of that we did many customization in the screens.
We could do so many customization as we had full control of all those codes.
We had used an AWS EC2 instance as our backend server and our frontend was in Angular.
This was a complete video chat solution with the ability to share files and text chat feature alongside.

We finally developed a solution which had minimised the overall infra cost of our client. In addition we could make any kind of customization in the chat screen and play with the control to meet customer specific requirements.